What to Drink to Prevent Pregnancy, it is not necessary to always use contraceptives. There are some drinks that you can consume to avoid the onset of pregnancy. 

Being pregnant is a dream of every woman and a goal of every married couple. However, when they do family planning, some couples prefer to have a little delay in having a baby.

For this reason, women start taking different types of drugs and medication, which also have side effects and hence prove to be harmful. 

It may sound weird and unbelievable, but nature has provided you with several drinks that may aid you in having a delay in pregnancy.

In this article, we will discuss What to Drink to Prevent Pregnancy


Which Drinks Are Capable of Preventing Pregnancy? 

The most safe and sound way of avoiding pregnancy is by using prevention drinks. There are a few drinks that tend to prevent pregnancy. Such drinks are as follows:

Lemon Juice 

Lemon juice is famous for having vitamin C as its main ingredient. A few people say that this fruit tends to prevent pregnancy to some extent. 

The nature of lemon juice is acidic, so it can cause damage to sperm. If sperm are defective, they cannot fertilize the egg, leading to failure at the onset of pregnancy. 

Moreover, apart from the juice, people realized that if you make a blend containing the seeds of lemon, alcohol, and petroleum ether, this blend can serve as a beneficial contraceptive for you.

To prove the facts behind this study, researchers experimented on female rats, and it was successful as the embryo implantation failed after a week of insemination.

This is because humans and mice have 85% similarity in the genome. So whenever scientists pose a hypothesis, it is first experimented with on mice. 

However, in those female rats that were albino, fertility resumed once the lemon extract was terminated. 

Sugar drinks

The body releases a large amount of insulin when you consume processed sugars. They can disrupt the maturation process of eggs to affect fertility.

Numerous studies indicate a link between diminished fertility and processed sugar-rich foods.

For example, a 2018 Boston University study discovered that consuming sugar-filled beverages decreased fertility in both women and men. Consumption of sugar also has a link to obesity, leading to a reduction in semen characteristics, including a low sperm count.

Source by https://www.bu.edu/


One beverage to stay away from if you intend to have kids is soda. This is due to the theory that soda may have an impact on a man’s sperm or semen quality.

A study found that drinking soda is linked to infertility in 1,045 of the partners of 3,828 women between the ages of 21 and 45. Furthermore, studies reveal that drinking soda can lower a woman’s and a man’s chances of becoming pregnant by up to 20%.


People also consider that caffeine can prevent pregnancy too. However, the exact process by which caffeine influences fertility is unknown.

It may have something to do with the effect that caffeine has on the quality of the developing egg. According to preliminary research in mice and monkeys, caffeine may prevent the maturation of the viable egg.

Research that was published in the BMC Women’s Health journal suggests that caffeine can reduce fertility in men. However,  for women who intend to become pregnant, having one small cup of coffee each day is still generally regarded as safe. But it is suggested to consult it with your obstetrician once.


Alcohol is already well-known for the harm it can bring to your health. Pregnancy is not an exception. A study published in Fertility Research and Practice in 2017 found that women who drink heavily are more likely to become infertile than women who drink alcohol in moderation.

Potential biological explanations for the association between alcohol and pregnancy revealed that alcohol usage may alter ovulation processes, preventing the release of an egg during the ovulatory phase of the cycle. It may impair the capability of a fertilized egg to become implanted in the womb.

Hibiscus Extract 

Lemon is not the only naturally occurring ingredient that serves as an effective candidate for preventing pregnancy, hibiscus extract is also a promising one. Hibiscus extract is a serum extracted from a medicinal plant named Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, containing several medicinal benefits.

According to research also published in the Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, the flower extract from hibiscus has potent anti-implantation properties. The research also revealed that many women and local doctors have been using hibiscus as a traditional contraceptive treatment.

Can Coconut Water Reduce the Chances of Pregnancy?

Many specialists also consider coconut water as one of the meals that can help prevent pregnancy, even though excessive consumption might lead to infertility in women.

This is because coconut water can lower egg quality, leading to aging eggs prematurely and drastically lowering the chances of pregnancy. Consuming coconut water also helps to slow down, extend, or interfere with the ovulation period. 

Due to the welding qualities of coconut water, it is easy to alter the vaginal environment, which can lead to significant uterine contractions and infertility.

This results in less effort for the sperm and stops egg nesting and fertilization. Coconut water inhibits the synthesis of the hormone progesterone, which is essential for conception.

Because of its aforementioned qualities, women now widely use coconut water as a form of birth control.


Controlling birth by drinking a few types of drinks may prove to be a helpful method to prevent pregnancy.  Some potential drinks for this purpose include lemon juice, soda, caffeine, alcohol, hibiscus extract, and coconut water.

To be clear, many people believe that there are a few drinks that might be helpful for delaying pregnancy. However, there is no 100% guarantee of this. You will still need contraceptives to ensure the prevention of pregnancy guaranteed. 

Above all, the main thing you have to keep in mind is that whatever you are going to opt for when planning a pregnancy delay, you must consult with your doctor or healthcare professional prior to taking any step, as it is a very sensitive and health-affecting case to consider.

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