Your diet plays a vital role in your cardiovascular health. The food you eat directly affects the health of the heart, especially women’s health, as they are more likely to suffer from heart stroke than men. This is why choosing the right food is critical to reducing the risk of heart disease and maintaining a healthy heart.
When following a healthy heart diet, we all have heard about foods we should not eat. However, some foods are healthy for the heart and can significantly reduce the risk of heart stroke and related health conditions.
Foods For a Healthy Heart
According to research by the American College of Cardiology, cardiovascular diseases account for an average of 204 women per 100,000 deaths globally. The most significant contributors to these heart diseases in women are socioeconomic resources, which include factors such as housing, nutrition, air pollution, and food environments that negatively impact women, leading to obesity and malnutrition.

This indicates that women’s health depends mainly on what they eat, which is why it is essential to maintain a healthy heart diet.
Here are six foods that can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease in women:
Salmon is a heart-friendly food rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk of heart diseases such as heart attack and heart arrhythmia. It also reduces blood pressure and improves cell function. By lowering the levels of triglycerides in the blood, these omega-3 fatty acids ensure that arteries are not blocked, reducing the risk of sudden heart stroke.
Serving Recommendation:
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that adults should consume salmon and other fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids in two servings per week, a serving size being 4 ounces (113 grams). However, pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid fish containing mercury to prevent any health complications.
According to research, walnuts are another rich source of omega-3s, Alpha Linoleic Acid (ALA), fiber, and micronutrients such as magnesium, manganese, and copper. Incorporating a few servings of walnuts into the diet is highly beneficial for women’s health as it reduces the risk of heart disease. It also decreases ‘bad’ cholesterol or LDL and total cholesterol.
Moreover, studies suggest that regular consumption of tree nuts such as walnuts and peanuts significantly improves cardiovascular health, lessening the risk of heart attack and arrhythmia.
Cooking Tip:
You can add walnuts to your daily diet by incorporating them in salads, pasta, cookies, pancakes, and muffins.
Whole Grains
Whole grains contain all three nutrient-rich parts of the grain, which are suitable for the heart and reduce the risks associated with cardiovascular diseases. Although refined carbohydrates can increase the risk of heart disease, whole grains do not impose any harm on health. Research suggests that an extra 1 or 2 daily servings of these foods decreases the risk of heart disease by approximately 10-20%.
Eating whole grains instead of refined sugars daily is advisable, as they can reduce the risk of stroke, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and heart stroke.
Health Tip:
Check the ingredient labels of whole grains carefully before purchasing. Look for phrases like “whole grain” or “100% whole wheat” instead of “wheat flour” and “multigrain.”
Avocados are a good source of monosaturated fats, which have been linked to reduced cholesterol levels. They are also nutrient-dense foods that contain dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, polyunsaturated fats, and bioactive compounds associated with cardiovascular health.
A review of studies indicates that avocados may help women’s health by reducing levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, helping to improve vascular dilation and function. They also contain oleic acid, a healthy fat that lowers the fatty build-up of bad cholesterol in the arteries.
Health Tip:
If you want to add more fiber to your diet, eat one serving of avocado daily. It contains approximately 20% of the daily recommended fiber intake.
Beans are another heart-friendly food that contains resistant starch that is fermented by beneficial bacteria in the gut. In a study of 73 adults with high LDL cholesterol levels, canned beans were given, significantly reducing the risk of heart disease, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol. Beans also increase satiety, which can decrease food intake and, thus, the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Cooking Tip:
You can incorporate red beans into your daily diet by adding them to salads, gravy, and even as a sandwich spread.
Garlic is a well-known food linked to reducing the risk of heart disease and improving women’s health and cardiovascular functioning. Studies have shown that garlic contains a compound called allicin that has significant therapeutic effects on the body and heart.
A meta-analysis of 12 trials concluded that garlic supplements significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure and are as effective as commonly prescribed medicines at lowering blood pressure. It can also inhibit the build-up of platelets, reducing the risk of blood clots and heart stroke.
Cooking Tip:
Consume garlic raw or crushed and let it sit for a few minutes before cooking. This allows the formation of allicin, maximizing its potential health benefits.

Dietary Guidelines to Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
Opting for a heart-friendly diet can go a long way in ensuring a sound woman’s health and cardiovascular functioning. Here are some dietary guidelines to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and maintain a healthy heart diet:
- Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
- Choose leafy green or whole-grain foods
- Choose healthy sources of protein such as plants, fish, and low-fat dairy products
- If you desire meat or poultry, opt to purchase lean cuts and unprocessed forms
- Choose foods that are minimally processed instead of ultra-processed foods
- Avoid intake of beverages with added sugars
- Try to prepare your food with little or no salt
The Last Word
You are what you eat—a trustworthy saying indicating the importance of carefully choosing your diet. The right foods can not only ensure sound women’s health but also contribute to lowering the number of cardiovascular deaths around the world. Women, in particular, need to be mindful of their food consumption and food choices, as they can significantly increase or decrease the risk of heart disease.